He did pretty good with the farrier, except the farrier decided to hop the fence instead of going around, which really freaked him out. He is fine with me on the fence, but still strongly dislikes other people doing it. He may associate it with the blm chutes, when everything tramitic happened there were people above him. We got his front feet done, but the farrier didn't want to try his back feet, so he'll be back soon. The funny thing is, I rasp down his feet with no halter on, and he is perfectly fine. Hmmmn.
Ace was accidentily bred to Trust when she came into her foal heat, (he bred her through the fence while we were gone) so Ace may have is first progeny on the way. We have not decieded if we want to keep Trust to see how the foal turns out. She was bred on July 2, 2009. So she will be "due" (LOL, those of you who have bred mares know why I laugh) around June 2, 2009.